Make sure that you have the same organization number in Boardeaser as you have in the accounting files. This is so that the system can match the organization against the one in the file and thus avoid a warning message or having to select the organization manually.
To find the organization number in Boardeaser, please follow this guide, How do I change the organization's company information?
You can also upload the accounting files separately in each subsidiary, follow this guide for more information Upload accounting files.
You can upload all the accounting files to the group financials at once. To import legal accounting go to "Group Financials" -> "Group Consolidation" -> "Legal accounting".
If it is the first time you are uploading the accounting data, you will only see the "Upload accounting files" button on the start menu of the group tool. The next time it will look like the picture above.
Click the button "Upload accounting files" and a popup will appear.
For now the system supports upload of the following file formats; SIE4, SAF-T and Boardeaser's accounting template in Excel.
You can either click on the text to select files, or you can "drag and drop" into the box. All files can be imported at the same time.
The system checks the organization number, file configuration and accounting year.
If the system cannot identify the organization based on the accounting file, you have will get the option of selecting the organization from the drop-down list.
If there are errors in the file format itself, warnings will appear about it.
For all error messages, there is always the option to press the three dots (...) after "Organisation" and delete the file, to upload a new, correct file.
When the accounting files are correct, the status will read "Ready for Upload" and the "Upload" button will be activated.
Click it to import the accounting to the respective organization.
Accounting Template
If you have a business system from which it is not possible to extract SIE4 files or SAF-T files, you can use Boardeaser's accounting template for importing legal accounting.
Click the button "Export accounting template".
Select organization and then click "Export".
It is important that you download a template for each organization's accounting to be imported, as each organization has a unique template.
Fiscal year period
If it is the first time that accounting files are uploaded to the group, you must then create a Fiscal Year Period to proceed with the consolidation, see 1.3 Create consolidated financial statement.
Exchange rate
If the group has foreign subsidiaries, exchange rates must be managed before importing into the group. Importing accounting data into the group should not be confused with importing legal accounting into the respective organization via the group tool as above. See Part 4 - Reconciliations, Legal Accounting & Consolidation data for further information.
The currency is set for each organization via the settings, see additional information in the guide Administer organization under the section "Economy".
When the legal accounting has been imported, and one or more of the organizations in the group have a different currency, this will be visible under the section "Group financials" -> "Group consolidation" -> "Group data" -> "Exchange rate".
If the exchange rate is "Unsaved", as in the image above, you must click the "Save" button before importing the data into the group.
Under the Exchange Rate tab, Boardeaser retrieves the average rate and closing rate from the central bank. Boardeaser currently supports 165 currencies, but if the currency is unavailable for the specific company, it needs to be managed manually each month.
Once the accounting data is imported to the group, the legal accounting in another currency will be converted with the exchange rate specified under the exchange rate section for the respective group closing period.
Note; it is the transactions for the period that are converted to the exchange rate. Previous periods are not affected.
Check all steps before proceeding:
- Is the legal accounting correctly imported?
- Is there accounting data in previous periods?