A guide on how you can:
Click on the links above to get to the area you want to learn about, or follow the guide from start to finish.
1. Create an agenda template
Click "Meetings" and "Agenda templates" in the left menu. Then click on "New template".
Edit agenda template
You will then end up in this view, where you can edit the agenda template. Start by typing the template's title.
To the left of the itrem number are two icons. Use the icon with six dots to drag and drop the agenda items in the desired order. The icon with an arrow is used to open and edit the agenda item.
Edit agenda item
If you click on the icon with an arrow, there are opportunities to edit specific agenda items. Here, you can enter the time estimate and item type and set a recess after the item. Put a title on the agenda item and prepare the item description and minutes text if necessary. Then create more agenda items by clicking the "Add Item" button.
Save agenda template
To finish the agenda template, click the "Save" button.
Saved agenda templates
The saved agenda templates are under "Meetings" and "Agenda templates" in the left menu.
Edit/Remove agenda template
Click the icon with the three dots (···) to the right of the agenda template to edit or remove an agenda template.
2. Use an agenda template
To use the agenda template for a meeting, click "Meetings" and then "Plan meeting" in the left menu. Fill in the relevant meeting information, then click "Save and continue."
In the next step, all the organisation's agenda templates are visible. Choose which one you want to use by clicking "Add".
Save changes in a new agenda template
If the agenda is changed, the changes can be saved as an agenda template. Click the icon with three dots (···) and select "Save as template."
Enter a name for the agenda template and click "Create".
You can then edit the new agenda template as described above. Continue by clicking "Save".
The new agenda template is now saved in "Agenda templates".
3. Share an agenda template
It is possible to share agenda templates between several organisations if you want the same agenda template.
To share agenda templates between organizations, click "Tools" and "Template Library" in the left menu. Then click the "Publish template" tab and the "Publish" button next to the template you want to share.
Publish agenda template
Write the title and description. Enter the creator of the agenda template and choose visibility. It is possible to mark if a code is needed to access the template.
Public templates - become visible to all users in Boardeaser
Private templates - become visible to all organizations you are a part of
Hidden templates - become visible to specific users you choose to share with
Published agenda template
After that, the agenda template is published. All your published templates can be found under "Published templates." There is an option to share and unpublish the agenda template.
Import agenda template to another organization
Switch to the organization you want to import the agenda template into. Then click on "Tools" and "Template Library" in the left menu. Click on "Private/hidden Templates" and the "Save" button next to the template. The agenda template will then be available for use in this organization.