To see ongoing and completed documents' e-signature cases, click "Documents" and "E-signatures" in the left menu.
All e-signature cases show which document is to be/has been signed, when the request was sent, who requested signatures and e-signature options.
Needs my signature
Under the tab "Needs my signature" are the cases where you must e-sign the document. To e-sign the document, click the "Sign" button next to your name and follow the instructions.
Worth noting is that e-signature matters connected to board meetings also end up in this view.
Requires other's signature
Under the tab "Requires other's signatures" are cases where other people need to e-sign the document or where your signature is registered, and the document is awaiting other people's signatures.
Remind users to e-sign the document when necessary by clicking the "Remind" button. A reminder email is then sent to the user(s).
Rejected e-signatures
Under the "Rejected signatures" tab, the cases where one of the signatories has rejected to e-sign the document are displayed.
In connection with a signature being rejected, the person who chooses to reject it can add a comment about why he will not sign the document. The possible comment is printed under the "Read more" button.
Recently signed
Under the "Recently signed" tab, the most recent e-signed cases are displayed.