Boardeaser's budget tool allows you to merge budgets you've created for subsidiaries or business areas without combining them manually.
Click "Financials"> "Budget" in the left menu. Under the "Manage budget" tab, click the "New budget" button.
Select the business area and budget year you wish to merge for subsidiaries/business areas. Then click "Next".
Here, you click on "Budget from children or business areas". Now, you can choose where the data should come from. To merge budgets, select "Budget from children or business units".
You can retrieve data from your organization, subsidiaries or business areas here.
If you select business areas, the business units you created will appear. Read about how to create business units here.
You can download data from children inside the parent company. Once you have selected which budgets to merge, click "Download."
Your new budget will then end up under "Manage budget".