It is now possible to create Widgets in Boardeaser. You do this in "Financials" > "Components." Click on the "Widgets" tab and then on "New widget." Widgets provide a good overview of key figures that can then be used in reports.
Here you choose which key figure, business area and date you want to visualize.
In "Edit" mode you can name your widget, a good tip is to name your widget something that is easy to find later in the report tool.
Here you can also change the formula, resolution or whether the key figure should be visualized or be a number. You can also set whether the key figure should be compared with your budget and the previous year. Finally, choose which visibility your widget should have.
Click "Save" when your widget is ready.
Now, your widget is ready to be used when creating a report. Go to "Reports" > "Create report" in the left menu and then click on "Add new graph" to a report.
Your widget is now in your report! You can also view your widget in PDF format.