If you have forgotten your password to your Boardeaser account, you need to reset the password to be able to create a new password for your user account.
1. Click here to reset your password. You can also click "Forgot password" on the sign-in page.
2. Enter the email address you previously logged in with and click on the button "Send instructions". An email will then be sent with instructions on choosing a new password.
3. Search after the mail which has been sent from Boardeaser. If you don't find the email, check your thrash mailbox. Click the button "Change password".
4. Fill in a new password you want to use and then confirm your new password. The password must meet the following requirements:
- Be at least 12 characters long
- Contain at least one uppercase letter
- Contain at least one lowercase letter
- Contain at least one number
Finish by clicking the "Change password" button. Your password has now changed, and you are automatically logged in to Boardeaser.