Contracts are a product in Boardeaser and are activated in the Product Shop.
With contracts, all the business agreements and contracts can be saved and monitored from one place.
Add contract
Click "Documents" and then "Contracts" on the left menu. Then click the "New Contract" button to add your first contract.
Title the contract and upload the contract file. Click the "Show more" button to set specific contract information. Finish by clicking "Save" or "Save and mark as verified".
The Contract Administrator's role
Users assigned the Contract Administrator role and the Restricted permission are given full Contract administration rights (i.e. they can add, edit and delete contracts) but do not have access to any other functionality in Boardeaser.
Fill in more information
To allow Boardeaser to monitor essential contract dates, click "Show more". Several fields with information to fill in will then appear.
General contracts
In the "Contract type" field, the general contract template is selected by default, but you can also choose permanent or time-limited contracts under "Contract type". For general contracts, you can enter:
- Start and end dates
- If/when the contract is terminated
- The value of the contract for your business, type of value and currency
- Category
- Responsible and administrator
- Contracting parties
- Permanent contract
If you specify the contract type as permanent, the field for the end date disappears. Otherwise, you need to fill in the same information.
Time-limited contracts
If you specify that the contract is limited in time, the field for the termination date disappears, and a field for the extension type is added. The extension type can be "No extension" or "Automatic extension". If automatic extension is specified, the option to set a date for when the contract is terminated and when it is possible to terminate the contract returns.
When a contract is time-limited and an end date is specified, a reminder time before the end date can also be specified. So that you know – the person responsible is then reminded. Boardeaser also reminds the Responsible when the end date is reached for fixed-term contracts that automatically renew so that a new end date can be entered in Boardeaser.
In addition to the reminders for the person in charge, reminders can be set for the CEO, financial managers, Vice Chairman, and Secretary. These are sent three months before the end date and termination date.
If you, as a user, have specified that you will not receive emails in the User settings, no reminders will be sent.
Verify and complete
When a contract is uploaded, the information can be verified immediately or saved, depending on whether you choose "Save" or "Mark as verified". If you discover that the information on an uploaded contract needs to be supplemented, click "Mark for completion" and write to the administrator what needs to be changed. If you edit the information for a contract, you can ask someone else to verify it. Then, the administrator will receive an email that the contract needs to be verified.
Uploaded contracts
When you click on Contracts and the "Contracts" tab, uploaded contracts are displayed in a list. Here, you can see a summary of the information entered and search and sort the contracts. Viewing and downloading the contracts on the "Documents" tab is also possible.
Gantt chart
If at least one contract has a specified duration, the "Gantt chart" tab is displayed next to "Processed contracts". Click on the "Gantt chart" tab to see the durations for entered contracts with specified start and end dates on a time axis.
Submit the contract via email
By clicking on the icon with the three dots (···) at the top right and selecting "Email addresses," you will access the management of email addresses that can be used to upload contracts automatically. The message must come from an email address used by a user in the organization. Attach contracts to an email and send it to the specified email address. The attachment will be uploaded automatically.
Received contracts are displayed on the "Received contracts" tab. If you verify or mark the contract to be verified by someone else, it will be moved to the "Processed contracts" list.
Contract notifications
Click on "Contract notifications" to view an event log specific to Contracts. You can sort and filter the list and expand certain events to see what information has changed.
Other functions
Some other contract functions can be accessed under the icon with the three dots (···) at the top right.
Export contracts
You can export all contracts as PDF files with information for all or only active contracts. So that you know, the contracts themselves are not included in the pdf.
Send contract request
Using this feature, you can send an email message and request that another user upload a contract by replying to the message. Then it works just like sending contracts via email, as described above.
Manage categories
Here, you can create and delete categories of contracts.
Settings for reminders
This is a shortcut to the reminders in Advanced Settings described above.