To create a graph, you must activate the "Financials" product. If you have any questions about the add-on, feel free to contact us at support.
A graph is created in the same area as tables, variables, and KPIs, i.e., under "Financials" and "Components" in the left menu.
Click the tab "Graphs" and then the button "New graph".
You'll enter this view when you click the "New Graph" button.
You can first name the graph whatever you want it to be. The graph must have a name before you can save it.
Resolution: You change the time interval you want to see the graph. It goes down from day-to-day to annual time intervals.
Type: Here, you can choose the graph you want. You can choose between a bar chart, a pie chart, or a gauge.
Bar type: Choose from Standard, Waterfall, and Stacked.
These changes are recommended after filling in the data source and seeing how the various changes visually change the graph.
Then, under "Add new datasource", one fills it with a formula. A formula can be one or more balance sheet profit and loss accounts. If you'd like to read more about how formulas work, you can do so in the guide Introduction to formulas.
All revenue accounts are entered in this case, resulting in the formula: -{3000-3999}. Then tap on "Add new".
When the formula is added, data should appear in the empty field on the left (see image below).
When you fill in a formula in the data field, R3 and R12 will also be produced. They calculate the average of the last 3 and 12 months, respectively. You can remove these by pressing where it says "Line" and selecting "None".
You can also change the bars to lines by clicking where it says "Bar" and changing to "Line".
After that, add more data sources/formulas to compare accounts or ranges. For example, revenue accounts are compared to all expense accounts.
If you want to change the formula or its name, press the pen to the right of the formula.
Now, you have created your graph. This graph can be used in reports and dashboards.
Unit: This is usually set to automatic as the system detects which unit it is, but sometimes you may want to have your unit entered from a key figure.
Decimal scale: Here, you choose how many decimals you want to be able to see. The maximum you can select is 3.
Number scale: Number scaling means how the numbers are scaled off, whether the whole sum should be displayed or whether they should be delimited to a Thousand. At most, it can be scaled to a billion.
3D Depth and Angle: Changing the 3D depth causes the bars to be in 3D, and the angle can be made to angle the graph down so that you see the bars more clearly. The angle only works if you use the 3D depth.
Rotate: Rotate the entire graph 90 degrees clockwise so the bars are horizontal.
Finally, regarding appearance, you can show the values at each bar.
X/Y Axes
On the X-axis, you can choose the period you want to see the data. You can choose between Auto, Relative, or Fiscal Year.
Auto means the system senses how much data you have loaded and tracks the data month by month.
The fiscal year allows you to view the entire year's data from 6 years back to the current year or view the current year by selecting "Current Year" in both the "From" and "To" fields.
You choose the number of months backwards and forwards relative to each other. You can go back a maximum of 60 months and a minimum of 1 month. Forward, you can go a maximum of 48 months.
Being able to look ahead in time is a good approach if you want to compare the outcome to the budget or see how the forecast is developing.
In the Y-axis, select which values you want to be able to see. This can be helpful when you have very high values, so you can choose to see a specific span or if you want to compress the graph. Change from Auto in the y-axis to Custom, and then you can choose the minimum and maximum values.