How good are you at board matters? Test yourself by answering new questions every week in Boardeaser's board quiz!
You will find Boardeaser's board quiz on your personal overview that appears when you log in.
You can choose to go to the board quiz page or answer the current question. The questions are changed weekly.
If you answer the question, you will be taken to the answer page, where you can see if you were right and read an explanation of the answer.
Activate the board quiz on the home page
Click on your name and select "My Profile" at the top right corner. Then select the option "Show the quiz on dashboard".
Create group
Click on "Show complete board quiz view" to see all the questions you have answered.
Click on "My groups" and then "New group" to create a group where you can compete against each other. You can choose whether you want to invite everyone on one of the boards that you are part of or whether you want to invite someone else.
Create question
If you feel knowledgeable, you can create questions included in Boardeaser's board quiz. Click on “Create Question” to get started.
Write the question and four answer options where you also mark which answer is correct. You can also write a more detailed description (explanation) of the answer, reference links and an image.
You can also include one of your boards' names if you want to advertise.