Send documents for e-signature
If a document is to be e-signed by someone outside the organization, it is possible to request an e-signature from signatories outside the organization.
If you need help uploading a document to the document archive, follow this guide: How do I upload documents?
If the document to be signed is already in the document archive, follow the guide below.
On the left menu, click on "Documents" and then "All documents." Then click on the icon with three dots (···) to the right of the file you want to send and select the "Send for E-Signing" option.
Check the option "Allow signatories outside organization". You can also check users in your own organization who will sign the document.
Enter Name and Email in the fields and press "Send". If you want to send the document to several people, you can click on the button "Add signatory outside organization" and fill in Name and Email in the new fields. Click the check box behind the name to remove a field.
After sending the document for e-signature, you can see the status of the signature case by navigating to "Documents" and then "E-signatures" in the left menu. The signing matter can be found either in the "Requires my signature" or "Needs others' signatures" tab, depending on whether you will sign the document yourself.
If an email address is displayed under the name of the external person, this is because the person does not have a Boardeaser connected to the email address.