Handle company information
What is visible in company information?
Under company information, you will find information about the share capital of the share register, the total number of allocated shares, and the quota value. You also receive information about the distribution of votes and the current share series. Furthermore, other information is displayed, such as currency and organization number, and which notes and related documents are in the share register.
Quota value
The ratio value is the share capital ratio divided by the number of shares. If the quota value does not match, the number of shares or the share capital has been entered incorrectly.
Manage company information
You can manage the company information after a share book has been created. You can then fill in general information about the share register, such as the pre-emption clause, home bid clause, and physically issued share certificates. You can also add new share types and the number of votes per share, determine currency, and edit the entries for the share book.
To access company information, click "Shareholder Register" in the left menu and click on the "Company information" tab. Click on the "Edit company information" button to make changes.
Once you have made your changes, finish by clicking "Save".