You can easily upload contracts to Boardeaser via email.
Also, you can manage the email addresses used to send contracts to Boardeaser.
Add a new email for uploading
Here are the active and inactive email addresses. To add a new email address, click "New email address".
After selecting in the list, finish by clicking "Create".
The new email address has been created and placed in the list of "Active email addresses". Here, you will also see the date and time the email address was created.
Deactivate or remove the email address
If you want to inactivate or delete an existing email address, click the icon with three dots (···) and select the option in the list.
Other ways to reach email addresses
You can also reach email addresses via the view of the contract. Click "Documents" and "Contracts" in the left menu. Then click on the icon with three dots (···) and select "Email addresses".