Key Performance Indicators (KPI) can be created directly in Boardeaser or Microsoft Excel. This guide will show you how to create KPI through Excel.
First, you need to download the KPI template by going to "Financials" > "Data Management" > "KPIs" and clicking on the button "KPI template"
In the next step, you get to choose between Excel or Google Sheets (To use Google Sheets, you need the Google Sheets integration. Contact support for more information)
Period: Here, you choose which timespan you want to fill out the KPIs. If it's within the fiscal year or more.
Columns: This is where you choose whether to set the KPI to a business unit or budget. However, the name, description, and type must be filled in.
Type: Here lies the choice between Result or Balance type.
Result: A new data value must be entered on a date every month. If no value is written, then the KPI won't work.
Balance: When you enter a data value, it will apply to all dates until a new value is entered or until further notice.
Select KPI: All the previous KPIs are here. Fill in those if you want to change or continue filling in data in the specific KPI.
The Excel file should be downloaded when you click the "Export" button. When you open the Excel sheet, it should look like this.
After entering and filling out the Excel file, you must upload it to Boardeaser by clicking the "Upload KPI" button.
After you have uploaded your KPI template, the list should be updated, and you can now use your KPIs in Tables and Graphs.