To use e-signatures in Boardeaser, the E-Sign extension is required.
It is possible to E-sign minutes created via Meetings by using these Nordic equivalents to BankID:
- BankID
- NemID
- BankID
- BankID mobile
- Pankkitunnisteet
- Mobiilivarmenne
- Väestörekisterikeskus
Set signing methods
Under Administration > Settings > Advanced settings, allowing more methods than just BankID and Nordic equivalents is possible. Start by making sure that the top option for customizing signing methods is checked, and then these methods can be selected:
- Touch: Draw a signature on the touch screen on a mobile device. It does not work on a computer
- SMS: Enter a mobile number and sign via SMS code
Scroll down to “Meetings” and select the signing option “Sign minutes with the same methods as other documents”.
Then scroll down to “E-Signing” and select "Allow signature method customization". Then select which signing options should apply. Finish by clicking “Save”.