There are three levels of authorization in Boardeaser:
- Administrator: Users who are administrators can see and do everything but only do things specifically assigned to them.
- Observer: Users who are observers can see everything but only do things specifically assigned to them.
- Limited: Users with a limited permission level can only see and do things specifically assigned to them.
In short, the role of Administrator is intended for users who will use Boardeaser actively, i.e. create meetings, invite to meetings, write minutes, etc.
The permission Observer is for users who should be able to see all of your organization's material but are not able to edit it. This permission is suitable, for example, for accountants or board members who are not supposed to create meetings.
The lowest authorization is Limited. With the authorization, the user cannot edit or read anything other than what has been assigned. This authorization is suitable for, for example, someone co-opted at recurring board meetings.