Board evaluation is recommended by, for example, the Swedish Corporate Governance Code. Read here how you carried out a board evaluation in Boardeaser!
Create an evaluation
Click on "Tools" > "Board Evaluation" in the left menu. Then click the "New Evaluation" button.
If you have previously imported evaluation templates, they can be found here. Click the "Create Evaluation" button to create a new board evaluation.
Edit board evaluation
In this step, you can edit the evaluation. Decide on a title and due date for the evaluation. The questionnaire consists of sections, each containing one or more questions.
1. Using the icon on the left, you can drag and drop the question or section into the desired order. The icon to the right allows you to expand and minimize the question or section.
2. Add a new question to the evaluation.
3. Add a new section to the evaluation.
4. Here, you can change the nature of the question. The options are:
- Multiple select questions (the respondent can choose one or more choices)
- Single select question (the respondent can only choose one of several choices)
- 1-5 range question (the respondent can choose a value 1 to 5 for a statement)
- Open question (the respondent can write a text in response)
5. Choose whether the question should appear in saved questions. Decide whether the question should be required. Choose whether the question should be confidential.
6. Complete the evaluation by checking whether it should be saved as a template. You can select the options Preview, Save, and Save and continue.
Send invitations and collect responses
Mark who will answer the evaluation and click the "Send invites" button. After the invitation has been sent, it is possible to see who is invited and who has responded and remind if necessary. Once the invitations have been sent, editing the evaluation is impossible.
Create report
The next step is to create a report based on the responses to the evaluation. Click on "Create report".
You can then provide a description of the Report. Select whether sections or questions should be included in the report. Complete the report by clicking "Archive and distribute".
Share report
The report can be shared with all or selected people as a final step. Select who will receive the report and complete it by clicking "Send invitations". The report is then saved in "Document" in the left menu.
Import template
If you want to start from a ready-made template, you must first import it. How to use:
- Go to "Tools" > "Template Library" in the left menu
- See which templates are available by filtering or sorting on the Evaluation
- Click "Save" for the template(s) you want to import