Go to "Reports" and "All reports" in the left menu. Click on the "Drafts" tab. Then click on the icon with three dots (···) and select "Edit" on the report you want to edit.
Click the "Add element" button.
A popup will then open where it is possible to add elements. Click on "Columns".
Once you have added a column, you can change its settings by hovering the mouse pointer and clicking "Settings."
In these column settings, you can set the number of columns. In addition, you can also set how the columns should be distributed as a percentage in the report. 25/75 means that the first two boxes in the column will take 25% of the width and the last 75% of the width of the report.
See below an example of a column in a report where the distribution is 50/25/25.
To save the report, click "Save". To preview your report, tap the "Preview" tab. If you want to publish and invite users to the report, click the "Publish report" button.