The next step is to set up the correct distribution of ownership between the group parent and each subsidiary. Click on the "Corporate Group" tab under the "Administration" tab in the left menu. Click the "Show" button under ownership distribution.
To create a new distribution of ownership, click on the "Add ownership distribution” button.
You will now have several options. The system will calculate the type of owner distribution between the parent company and the subsidiary. The available ownership types are Subsidiary, Associated company and Investment company.
Once the following is completed, click on "Save".
Edit ownership distribution
When ownership distributions are added, they can look like this. To edit ownership distribution, click the icon with three dots (···) and select "Edit".
What happens at the start date?
From the start date, the system uploads data to the group. At a legal level, there may be accounting data before the start date for the individual company. An acquisition adjustment is created if the purchase is made during the financial year, but if the purchase is made on the first day of the financial year, there will be an opening balance for subsidiaries. At the start date during the financial year, an accounting adjustment with opening balances will be created for the start date. Accounting transactions are imported into the group from the start date.
What happens at the end date?
In the accounting adjustment, there is a pure "divestment adjustment" on the closing balance for the end date, where the system zeros out all balance sheet accounts. The accumulated profit in the income statement for the year ends up as accumulated profit in Equity and has to be adjusted manually. Any eliminations made in that company must be handled manually and zeroed out after the disposal date.
Repeat the process until all ownership relationships between the companies are done. If the ownership relations are correct, the tags behind the group companies' names will disappear.