After you have created a group structure and uploaded all the parent company accounts and the subsidiaries, you need to create a group financial statement. Go to the "Group Consolidation" tab under the "Group Financials" tab.
Click on "Settings" -> "Fiscal year period".
Click the "New fiscal year period" button.
Select the correct fiscal period, period type and period. Currently, there are Year, Tertial, Quarter and Month closing types. If you choose a different Period type than year, you can select the last period under period and then check the box "Create fiscal year period for previous periods (...)". Then all closing periods will be created simultaneously for that fiscal year.
Click on "Save".
Check that the accounting years are correct by clicking on the tab "Fiscal year". The system automatically extracts the financial years from the accounting files. They can be edited by clicking on the three dots (...) on the right and then clicking on "Edit".
To set the start date for consolidation in the group, go to "Data Management" under "Group Financials". Select "Settings," which is found under the three dots (...) to the far right.
Fill in the "Start date corporate group".
The group's start date is the date when goodwill, eliminations, minority, etc., will start to be calculated in the system, and the group's OB must be correct as of that date.