Counterparties Accounting File
Through its accounting system, one can "tag" transactions and vouchers with dimension and object (Your local accounting program may have other terms for dimension and object).
Dimensions can be, for example, a profit centre or a project.
Example: If you have created a dimension in your accounting program called "Group", the objects are named after the company's names.
For each subsidiary company in the group, you select the dimension that contains the object with other sibling company names as object numbers.
You can choose a dimension for each company's SIE file that includes the "tagged" company in the group.
Counterparty Tagging via Transaction Text
With counterparty tagging via transaction text, one can "tag" counterparties from the accounting transactions using various search terms. The function filters out all transactions containing the search terms' names and displays them in a list. Counterpart tagging via transaction text must be saved with each new financial statement, regardless of whether any additions have been made.
Counterparty Management via Invoices (Fortnox Integration)
If you use Fortnox's invoice management service, Boardeaser can utilize information from the invoices through the integration to "tag" transactions with counterparties from the accounting system. It is necessary to have accurate organization numbers (org. numbers) in both the accounting program and Boardeaser.
Counterparty Reconciliation
In the counterparty reconciliation, you get an overview of companies within the group with counterparty management. It provides an overview of whether counterparties match or are missing on either side. The overview is divided into six categories based on the Base Chart of Accounts. Adding custom categories in addition to the default six is also possible. You can add rules if you set up counterparty management correctly in Automatic Eliminations.
The matrix describes details of transactions that are tagged with counterparties.