In this example, we create a simple summary of the outcome against the budget. The columns are first three for the outcome during the period (in this case last month), budgeted for the period and the difference (the difference between the outcome and the budget), then another three with the same content but accumulated during the year instead of last month.
Create a new table
Click on "Financials" and "Components" in the left menu. Under the "Report-tables" tab, click on the "New table" button.
Click on "Settings" and enter "Results and budget" as the name and title. Click on "Save" to continue.
Create columns
Click on "Edit", then click on the "Add column" button to create columns.
Budget diff. period
Accumulated budget
Budget diff accumulated
Creating rows
Once the columns are created, proceed to create rows by clicking on the "Add row" button.
Create revenue row
First, create a row with the summation of all revenues (account 3000 to 3999) obtained by the formula:
Create an expenditure row
Then create a summary of all the expenses in accounts 4000 to 8499, using the formula:
Create summation of outcome and budget
By clicking on "Add summery" we can summarize these two rows and thus get the result EBT on the third row.
Select the title, choose the text style if desired and set to summarize the "Revenue" and "Expenditure" rows. Continue by clicking "Add".
A table summarizing the outcome and budget is then created. Save the table by clicking on the "Save" button.
The table can then be found under "Financials > "Analyze" > "Tables".