Synchronize the financials from the accounting software Vitec via the click of a button. With this integration, you do not need to export your accounting files from Vitec and upload them to Boardeaser.
To integrate Boardeaser with Vitec, you first need a username, password, and API URL from Vitec. If you have questions about this, contact Vitec support.
Activate Vitec in Boardeaser
Click "Administration" and "Product Shop" on the left menu. Then click the "Integrations" tab. Look for "Vitec Integration" and click the "Activate" button.
Once Vitec Integration is enabled, click the "Manage Integrations" button.
You can also click "Integrations" under "Administration" in the left menu.
Then click the "Activate" button next to Vitec.
A pop-up form will then open where you can fill in the relevant information. Complete the activation by clicking "Activate".
When the activation is completed, there should instead be a red button called "Deactivate" next to the Vitec integration.
Import accounting data from integrations
To upload accounting data from integrations, follow this guide How do I upload accounting data from integrations?