This feature requires the Boardeaser Financials and Integration to be enabled in Boardeaser. In addition, an integration license from Visma is needed.
Integrate with to import and manage your financial data.
Log in to Boardeaser and go to the Boardroom for the current organization. If you have not activated Boardeaser's "" integration, do so in "Product shop" > "Integrations" under "Administration".
Once the integration is activated, click the “Handle integrations” button. (You can also click "Administration" > “Integrations” in the left menu.)
Select among the possible integrations and click "Activate".
You will now be forwarded to Visma, log in there and approve Boardeaser's integration.
You will then be directed back to the integrations view in Boardeaser, as shown below.
If the activation is successful, the button will change to "Activated" and turn red.
Import accounting data from integrations
To upload accounting data from integrations, follow this guide How do I upload accounting data from integrations?