It is possible to do a meeting follow up on any meeting that the organization has created in Boardeaser. This enables the board to follow up meetings further back in time than the most recent one if necessary.
Add decision item meeting follow-up as an agenda item
When the agenda is written, you can choose the agenda item as a meeting follow up type.
If you don't know how to create an agenda, you can look at these guides How do I edit the agenda items? as well as How do I add items to the agenda?
Select the "Meetings follow up" option from the list.
When the "Meeting follow up" decision item is selected, you can add meetings to the agenda item by clicking "Add meetings".
This view lists the previous meetings and their status. Select the meetings to be followed up by clicking "Add" next to a specific meeting.
If you happen to choose the wrong one, you can delete it by clicking the button. When you're done, click "Close."
Afterwards, selected meetings belonging to the agenda item are listed.
In the "Preview" tab, you see a preview of what the agenda will look like.