Introduction to meetings
- Meetings
- Meeting overview
- Historical Meetings - Upload/edit/delete historical meetings
- Upload external agenda and minutes
- How do I plan a meeting?
- Meeting number
- How do I add items to the agenda?
- How do I move an agenda item?
- How do I edit the agenda items?
- Item types in agenda items/minutes items
- Item type meetings follow up
- How do I attach files to the agenda and minutes?
Agenda template
- Unlock reviewed minutes
- Unlock approved minutes
- How do I change the starting numbering of the minutes items?
- How do I find minutes?
- Add and include attachments to the minutes
- How do I add attending members to the minutes?
Comments and Review minutes
Sign meeting minutes
Archived meetings
- How do I see historical comments on an archived minutes?
- How do I find an archived meeting?
- Change meeting number of an archived meeting
- How do I move an archived meeting/minutes to another folder?
- How do I find documents from an archived meeting?
- Unlock archived meeting