If the board has written an agenda and minutes outside Boardeaser, it can be uploaded to a specific meeting. So that you know, the uploaded file needs to be in .pdf format.
The guide contains information on how to:
- Upload external agenda and minutes.
- Add decisions, tasks and attachments to external minutes
- Review external minutes
- See review on external minutes
- Sign externally uploaded minutes
Click on one of the links above to get to a specific area or follow the guide.
Upload external agenda and minutes.
In the meeting process, under the "Agenda" and "Minutes" tabs, you can upload the agenda and minutes by clicking on the icon with three dots (···) and selecting "Upload agenda/minutes".
A pop-up box will open where you can add the agenda/minute. Then click the "Upload" button.
So that you know, the file needs to be of the .pdf type.
The file is then uploaded, and decisions and tasks connected to the agenda/minutes can be added. If you want to delete or change the uploaded file, click "Change file" or remove the button to the right of the uploaded agenda/minute.
In the "Preview" tab, you can see the uploaded document.
Add decisions, tasks and attachments to external minutes
Tasks and decisions
Click the "Add Decision" and "Add Task" buttons to add decisions and tasks associated with the minutes.
To add attachments to the minutes, drag and drop files or click "Choose file" or "Choose file from archive".
Include attachments to minutes
Then, add the attachments to the minutes by clicking on the "Attachments" tab and checking that the attachments should be included.
Review external minutes
Comments can be added when reviewing external minutes. Note that the comments are not specific to a single item but general review comments. When you have selected an option, write the comment (if necessary) and click "Submit adjustment".
See review on external minutes
You can see the review's status. To see any comments, click on "View Minutes".
The reviewer's comment is visible at the bottom of the page.
Sign externally uploaded minutes
When the minutes have been reviewed and approved, the minutes remain to be signed.
Physically signed
If the minutes are physically signed, a scanned version can be uploaded. Then click "Mark as signed". Once done, the meeting will be marked as signed and then archived.
Send for E-signature
If the minutes are not signed, they can be sent for e-signature by clicking "Request e-signature". Those marked as signatories will then receive an e-signature request. When all signatures have been collected, the meeting will be archived.
Request changes
If something is incorrect, you can request changes. Then click on "Request changes," and the minutes will return to being editable.