When a graph or table is to be created, the "Functions" folder appears among the available data sources. Formulas are entered within the function's parentheses. The functions affect the formulas in the following ways:
- Ack(expression) returns the accumulated value of whatever is specified in the parentheses.
- Origin(expression, tag) gives the formula from a business area or group company, see more below.
- Budget(expression) shows values from loaded budget data.
- FiscalIB(expression) gives the year's opening balance for one or more balance accounts.
- Forecast(expression) shows outcomes back in time (from sie4 files) and budget data forward in time.
- IB(expression) gives the opening balance for one or more balance accounts during the respective period.
- Max(expression 1, expression 2) returns the highest value for each period of the expressions specified.
- Min(expression 1, expression 2) returns the lowest value for each period of the expressions specified.
- Prev(expression) returns the previous time period's value.
- PrevYear(expression) previous year's value for the respective period.
- R3(expression) returns the average of the last three time periods.
- R12(expression) returns the average value of the last twelve time periods.
- SumLast(expression, max number of values, min number of values)
- UB(expression) gives the closing balance of one or more balance accounts.
- AsBalance() Retrieve balance values instead of result values
- AsResult() Retrieve result values instead of balance values
- CaseAccount(, , , , , ..) Case statement, returns value depending on whether account match range
- GrowthAbs() Absolute (SEK) growth from the previous year
- GrowthRel() Relative (%) growth from previous year"
- High() Used, for example, in an account to get the highest value.
- If(, , ) IF statement, returns true if expression is greater than 0, false otherwise
- Low() Used, for example, in an account to get the lowest value.
- NetDays(period|calendar|calendarYear) The number of days given which parameter you submit.
- Quantity() The value of the expression is based on quantity instead of amount
- Transactions() Number of transactions
- Abs()Absolute amount of a given expression (account/number)
Some examples:
Origin(expression, tag) – First find the tag for the business area(s)/group company(s) you want to use by clicking on the business area selector. Then you write the formula you want to use the comma tag. Example:
In a group with the parent company Framgångsbolaget AB are the subsidiaries Success AB (has the tag SUC) and Kalasbolaget AB (has the tag KAL). If you create a graph or table in Framgångsbolaget AB, you can get the sum of account 3010 in Success AB and 3041 in Kalasbolaget AB like this:
Prev(expression) – Enter what is to be plotted in the parentheses and the previous period's values will be displayed. The function retrieves the value of the enclosed formula during the immediately preceding time interval, for example:
Prev([2610]/employees) shows the value in the previous period divided by the own variable employees.
PrevYear(expression) – Enter what is to be plotted in the parentheses and the previous period's year values are displayed. The function retrieves the value of the contained formula during the corresponding time range last year. Example:
PrevYear(-{3000-3999}) returns last year's earnings.
R3(expression) and R12(expression) – Gives the average of the respective time period's value. Example:
R3(-{3000-4999}) gives the average value of gross profit for the last three months if the resolution is months.
GrowthAbs() - Can be used on a column to get growth (SEK) from the previous period.
GrowthRel() - Can be used on a column to get the growth (%) from the previous period.