When you enter a busy email address, an email with instructions about an email conflict will be sent to that address.
There are different ways to deal with this scenario, either by:
1. Choosing to merge the accounts, so-called account merge. Then click on the link in the email. See below for instructions on how to do it.
2. Choose a different email address in the onboarding.
Account merge
When you click the link in the email, you will be taken to the Boardeaser login page. You can log in with your Boardeaser credentials.
If you have forgotten your password, you need to reset it. See how to do it in the guide Reset password
Confirm your password in the following box.
You will then end up on an account merging page where you will see detailed information about which accounts will be merged.
To continue merging accounts, click "Merge Accounts." Then, you can continue logging in via your integration.
So that you know, the account merge needs to be done on the same device. If an account merger request is sent from a computer, it must be completed, i.e. accepted, from the same unit.
Also note that it must be the same browser window and that if the link is opened in another window, you can instead:
- Log out
- Copy the link in the email
- Paste into the same browser window and follow the rest of the flow as usual
- Log out
- Log in to the same browser window as the other user
- Go to boardeaser.com/users/merge_requests
- Follow the rest of the flow as usual
Alternative solutions
If you want the email address you registered during onboarding, you can also log in to Boardeaser and either:
1. Log in to Boardeaser and change to a different email address for the user account by following the guide: How do I change email address? or
2. Delete the user account via our GDPR page according to the guide How do I delete my user account?. Please note that all content will be deleted and cannot be recovered.
You can ignore the email if you have received the message without doing anything. No changes will be made.