Administrate user account
- Register user account and organization
- How do I change my personal settings?
- How do I activate and sign in with BankID?
- Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on your user account via email
- Recovery codes
- Administrate user account
Administrate organization
- Administrate organization
- How do I change organizational information?
- How do I add users?
- How do I change users' settings?
- How do I change authorization on a user?
- Activate two-factor authentication
Get started with the Board portal
- What is the personal overview?
- See release notes in Boardeaser
- How do I find the board room?
- What are the ways to log in to Boardeaser?
- What authorization levels are there?
- How do I upload a folder with subfolders?
Get started with Financials
- Organization settings for economy
- Financial year
- How do I upload accounting files?
- Create and upload budget file
- Create reports and report templates
- Create KPI via Excel