If you have an extended financial year or want to use the same budget file for your budget in Boardeaser, you can use this trick. It works on Excel and Google Sheets.
If you want to extend the year or future years in your budget, you can download your existing budget. You can create a new budget or download an existing one. In this case, we downloaded an existing budget.
On the left menu, click "Financials" and "Budget" and then click the "Manage budget" tab.
Access that budget by clicking on the name and clicking the "Download budget" button.
Then, choose which format to edit your budget and which row template to use. Then click on "Download".
Once inside the file, you can add columns for the months you want the budget to extend. You can also add the figures to the new budget here. See examples below.
When adding the months and numbers you want to include, save the budget and close the file. Then, upload the budget by clicking "Upload budget file" under "Manage budget".
Now, the budget is loaded into Boardeaser, which you can use in your tables and graphs.