Use in own graphs and tables
Here are the formulas that can be used to get data from budget and forecasts in your own graphs and tables:
- Budget () provides budget data from the active budget
- Budget ( provides budget data from the active forecast
- Budget (, @tag) provides budget data from a specific budget or forecast with the specified tag
- Forecast () provides outcomes up to report date and then forecast data from the active forecast - if missing from an active budget
- Forecast (, @active) gives results until a report date and then forecast data from an active budget
- Forecast (, @tag) provides outcomes up to report date and then forecast data from budget or forecast with a specified tag
- Budget (- {3000-3999}) gives the sum monthly of all revenue accounts in the budget during the year
- Budget (- {7000-7699}, @forecast) gives the sum of all salary costs taken from an active forecast
- Budget (- {3000-7999}, @ 20_2) gives the result (before financial expenses) taken from the forecast with the tag @ 20_2
- Forecast (- {3000-3999}) returns results until selected data of the total revenue, then forecast taken from an active forecast
- Forecast (- {7000-7699}, @active) returns results of all payroll costs and then forecast data retrieved from an active budget
- Forecast (- {3000-7999}, @ 20_2) gives outcome of results (before financial expenses) and then forecast data from the forecast with tag @ 20_2